An initiative of Jasper County Schools
From the
Joe Sornberger
Apart from the safety of our students, few things matter more to me than seeing young people fired-up about their future and finding the paths to make the most of it. Every day, and in a thousand different ways, our teachers, paraprofessionals, coaches, and support staff commit deeply on behalf of our students’ best outcomes. They take no shortcuts and they spare no effort to give these kids — our kids — every opportunity to succeed. We are blessed with a remarkable team.
Jasper County Schools have a lot to be proud of. I’ve been in my role as Superintendent for less than six months and I’m still learning something new about our school community on a daily basis, but I’m crystal clear on this: big things are happening here and we have much to celebrate.
As a part of our school community — and make no mistake, you are an important part of it; we could not do it without you — I felt that it was only right to share with you what some of our success looks like, up-close. So we’ve chosen to bring you these stories of important developments and programmatic insights as well as student, staff, and community victories through this engagement initiative and at no cost to our local taxpayers. In the coming year, you’ll continue to see our ‘Fly Together’ magazine on a quarterly basis, but you’ll also be able to listen in on our monthly podcast, and more.
The simple truth is, I’ve always believed that we do better together, and from the moment my family and I arrived in Newton, it was clear to me that folks here felt that way too. That’s why it is so important to me and the School Board that, as a District, we make this effort to share with you — the people who support our efforts here — this work we could not do without you.
It is an exciting time to be a part of Jasper County Schools, and all of us here are looking forward to sharing our very positive collective story with you and our entire community. #flytogether